Cosmology and galaxy formation  

The course starts with an overview of the phenomenology of galaxies and of cosmological observations (large-scale distribution of galaxies, the Hubble expansion, the accelerating universe, ...). Friedman-Lemaitre models for the dynamics of the universe. Evolution of cosmic structure, from the primordial density fluctuations left over after inflation to the formation of virialised objects, such as galaxies. Effects due to cold and/or hot dark matter. Numerical simulations of structure formation. Recent observations of the power spectrum of the microwave background temperature fluctuations. Determination of the cosmological parameters and the concordance model. Shortcomings of this model and possible alternatives. Final competences: 1 Learn to apply the astronomical research method, which is usually based on observations and not on experiments, to this specific topic. 2 Learn how to calculate certain observable quantities within the context of a simple cosmological model. 3 Know how to apply methods drawn from other physical theories (e.g. general relativity or particle physics) to cosmological theories. 4 Gain insight in the limitations of current cosmological theories. 5 Learn to appreciate and communicate the philosophical and social importance of the subject
Cosmology and galaxy formation

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